‘Next Round of Bailouts Is Here’ — Bitcoin and Precious Metals Soar Amid Speculation of Fed Policy Change

At around 7:30 午前. ET, the price of bitcoin skyrocketed past the $27,000 range to a high of $27,025 ユニットあたり. Precious metals, or PMs, like gold and silver, also rose between 1.98% と 2.12% 米国に対して. dollar over the

‘Big Short’ Investor Michael Burry Warns of Another Inflation Spike — Expects US to Be ‘in Recession by Any Definition’

Hedge fund manager Michael Burry, famed for forecasting the 2008 financial crisis, says inflation has peaked in the U.S. but there will be another inflation spike. He expects the U.S. economy to be in a recessionby any definition.Michael Burry’s

As the Fed Turns 109 Years Old, the US Dollar’s Purchasing Power Eroded by More Than 96% Since It Was Created

109 years ago, アメリカ. Federal Reserve was created and ever since that day, the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar has dropped a great deal. Since the Fed started, より多い 96% of the greenbacks purchasing power has been erased

仮想通貨ツイッターがハル・フィニーのアカウントを擁護, SBFはBinanceのCEOから言われたと伝えられています: 「さらなる損害」を引き起こすのをやめる — Bitcoin.com News Week in Review

Bitcoiners on Twitter recently pleaded with the CEO of the social media platform, イーロン・マスク, to preserve the account of late computer scientist and bitcoin pioneer Hal Finney. The outcry came after Musk announced that a mass of inactive accounts would

Robert Kiyosaki Expects Bitcoin Investors to Get Richer When Fed Pivots, Prints Trillions of Dollars

ベストセラー本「金持ち父さん貧乏父さん」の有名な著者, ロバート・キヨサキ, says that bitcoin investors will get richer when the Federal Reserve, the Treasury, and Wall Street pivot and trillions of dollars are printed. Robert Kiyosaki Predicts Bitcoin Investors


つい最近、アメリカの作家, エコノミスト, 引退した政治家のロン・ポールは、インタビューで中国と台湾の間の緊張の高まりについて話し、彼は米国について話しました.. 経済も. ポールは、アメリカは. 経済’s “崩壊が来る,” と…

イーロン・マスク: 米国経済はおそらく不況にあり、それは続く可能性があります 18 数か月—「悪化する」と警告

テスラと Spacex の CEO であるイーロン マスクは、米国は. economy is probably in a recession and it could betough goingfor 12 に 18 月. 彼が追加した: “The honest reason for inflation is that the government printed a zillion